Saturday, October 17, 2009

Great Tomfoolery.....

You:If you were in a field
with no trees
and you didn't have a gun
and you saw a bear heading for you
what would you do?
Other Person:Run
You: With a "bear behind"?
OK now that that is over here is a picture of a horse with wings which I like to call"Mr. Horse-Fly! I really like writing on my blog. Here is a short story for you:
The crisp morning air held low to the ground in a dense fog that made it hard to breath. A mouse hopped out of it's burrow. The mouse could not smell a thing which made it jittery as it passed along the forest floor. Whack! A strong paw hit the mouse's head knocking it out completely. The proud strong creature was none other than the magnificent mountain cat. The hungry beast gobbled down the mouse and set of to search for a rabbit that had been eating earlier that morning. Suddenly the mountain cat heard a twig snap a little ways away in the woods. She sniffed the dewy air. Rabbit. On her haunches, the mountain cat wandered further into the woods. Soon there was a small outline of a wild rabbit. The bold mountain cat stealthily moved forward. Soon she could feel the rabbits trembling. She tensed as the rabbit started to move. Then, WHOOP! The rabbit was being carried to a big burrow which held two hungry kits waiting for their food. Today was a successful day for the mother mountain cat. The End


  1. hi this is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. i love the story begining. It feels like im the wild mountain cat
    You should do this a lot

  3. I love the story it's so discriptive!!!

  4. Don't ever stop doing your blog!!!!!!!!1
    AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I love it!!!!!!!!!!
